A Day at Happy Campers

Happy Campers Daily Routine

8.45am to 12:15Drop off and settle in
9 to 9.45amPlay based activities
9.45 to 10.15amMat session, stories and music and movement.
10.15 to 10.30amMorning Tea
10.30 to 11.15amDaily activities, craft and portfolio experiences, free play
11.15amOutside play
12 to 12.15amPack up, get ready for the morning parents and mat session
12.15amPick up for morning session/ Lunch for children staying
12.30pmOutside play
1pmInside rest time
1.30pmActivities and free play
2.30pmPack Away
2.45pmHome time

if you need more information, get in touch with us

How to Enroll Your Child?


8.45am to 12:15Drop off and settle in
9 to 9.45amPlay based activities
9.45 to 10.15amMat session, stories and music and movement.
10.15 to 10.30amMorning Tea
10.30 to 11.15amDaily activities, craft and portfolio experiences, free play
11.15amOutside play
12 to 12.15amPack up, get ready for the morning parents and mat session
12.15amPick up for morning session/ Lunch for children staying
12.30pmOutside play
1pmInside rest time
1.30pmActivities and free play
2.30pmPack Away
2.45pmHome time